How do recruiting staff go?
Whether you are a business executive or looking for a job yourself, it may be good to know how the recruitment process looks. However, one should be aware that there is no absolute answer to the question because the recruitment process may look different on different companies. One can say, however, that there are three main types. You can recruit within the company, make use of recruitment companies or manage the recruitment yourself.
Advantages and disadvantages of different recruitment models
As previously mentioned, there are three different main routes to go when one is going to engage in recruitment to his company. A simple and easy way is to recruit internally or in your own network. The advantage of this is that you are more certain about the competence of the new employees. The disadvantage is that you can miss people who would be perfect for the job but who are not in the company’s network.
You can also choose to take care of recruitment yourself by putting out a job advertisement and receiving job seekers for interview. The advantage of this is that you have control over the entire recruitment process. The downside is that it takes a lot of time, time you may not have. You have to devote yourself to reading aloud with the various CVs and then spend long days on employment interviews with all job seekers.
To outsource recruitment
One can also choose to outsource recruitment to a company. In this way, you save valuable time and avoid thinning among the applicant himself. The disadvantage is that you do not really have the same control as when you recruit yourself, but of course you always have the last word as an employer. If you do not feel ready to hire, there is a fourth way to go. This is to use staffing companies. A company that focuses a lot on Recruitment is the growing company Rekond Malmö eller The advantage of this is that you get the right skills for the task the time you need it. The disadvantage is that it can be more costly than a long-term employment. Regardless of how you choose to recruit, it is important to have clear what skills you are looking for.